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Challenge data

The FSMP supports the Challenge Data, a machine learning competition created in 2015 by Stéphane Mallat (DI ENS) and Gilles Wainrib (Owkin), where students and researchers can solve data processing problems (images, sounds, digital data...) proposed by companies.

The Data Challenge traditionally ends with a ceremony where the winners have the opportunity to present their solution to the public.

Math Innov meetings


In 2016, the FSMP Meetings became the Math Innov Meetings.

They are an opportunity for mathematical science researchers and business leaders to meet, discuss, decipher the world together, and exchange ideas to combine their talents.

Previous editions

Fifth AI and mathematics Thursday, June 28, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. in the amphitheater of the Developmental Biology Pole of the Institut Curie (11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris 5e) with Yann LeCun researcher in artificial intelligence (AI) and computer vision, specialist in particular in deep learning, chief AI specialist at Facebook. Voir le programme et la vidéo de la 5ème édition
Fourth Quantitative finance, risk and regulation: mathematics in the midst of the banking turmoil September 27, 2016 at 6pm at IHP, with Nicole El Karoui, Professor Emeritus at UPMC, Founder of the Probability and Finance master's degree (UPMC, Ecole Polytechnique) and Pioneer of financial mathematics. Voir le programme et la vidéo de la 4ème édition
Third The mathematical asset and the creation of companies February 22, 2016 at 6pm at IHP, with Jean-Baptiste Rudelle, co-founder of Criteo. Voir le programme et la vidéo de la 3ème édition
Second The added value of mathematics in the economy and society September 21, 2015 at the Institut Henri Poincaré in the presence of Jean-Pierre Bourguignon, former director of the IHES. Voir le programme et la vidéo de la 2nde édition
First Big Data April 14, 2015 at the Institut Henri Poincaré. Voir le programme et la vidéo de la 1ère édition