Resources for the general public
Find on this page our selection of contents intended for a large audience.
: The Millennium Equation
In The Millennium Equation, comic designed by the FSMP with the help of the mathematician Nicolas Rougerie, Ingrid and Gaspard retrace the history of the Navier-Stokes equation and try to understand its meaning...
Click here to access the comic.
Popular works, novels... FSMP scientists, members of our laboratories or winners of our programs, also write books for the general public! Available in bookshops...
Love and Math by Edward Frenkel (Lauréat de la Chaire d'Excellence FSMP en 2010)
L'aventure des nombres by Gilles Godefroy (CNRS, IMJ-PRG)
101 quizz qui banquent: Mathématiques et finance sont-elles indépendantes ? by Gilles Pagès (LPSM, SU)
Les Maths au tribunal: Quand les erreurs de calcul font les erreurs judiciaires by Coralie Colmez and Leila Schneps (CNRS, IMJ-PRG)
Éducation tropicale by Thibault Lefeuvre (CNRS, IMJ-PRG)
Au nom de l'infini by Jean-Michel Kantor (IMJ-PRG, UPC) et Loren Graham