The team
Béatrice de Tilière
Béatrice de Tilière is a professor at Université Paris-Dauphine PSL. She graduated from Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne and is the holder of a PhD from Université Paris-Sud, Orsay (Paris-Saclay). She was previously maître de conférences (associate professor) at Université Paris 6 (Sorbonne Université) and professor at Université Paris-Créteil. She works in statistical mechanics with a particular interest in exactly soluble models such as the dimer model or the Ising model. In 2017, she was awarded the CNRS Bronze Medal and was a junior member of the Institut Universitaire de France (2017-2022).
Guillaume Chapuy
Deputy Director
Guillaume Chapuy is a former student at ENS Ulm. He defended his thesis in 2009 at École polytechnique on the "Bijective combinatorics of higher-genus maps". He has been a researcher at CNRS since 2010 and a CNRS Research Director at IRIF since 2019. Specialist in enumerative combinatorics, discrete probabilities and algebraic combinatorics, he is particularly interested in maps and related combinatorial or algebraic objects, as well as the interactions of map combinatorics with the theory of topological recursion and integrable hierarchies.
Jean-François Dat
Deputy Director
Jean-François Dat is a former student at the ENS Ulm and the helder a PhD from the University Paris 7 (2000) on (Modular) Representations of finite type of p-adic groups. Since 2007, he is a professor of mathematics at Sorbonne University and a member of the IMJ-PRG Automorphic Forms project. He was previously a CNRS research fellow at the University Paris 13, and a junior member of the IUF from 2010 to 2015. He is interested in the interactions between Representation Theory, Algebraic Geometry, and Number Theory, in the wake of those revealed notably by Langlands and Shimura during the 1960s. His work concerns the representation theory of p-adic or finite reductive groups, the cohomology of symmetric Drinfeld spaces, and more recently the construction of parameter moduli spaces useful for the recent categorization conjectures of the local Langlands program.

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Jean-Philippe Domergue
Administrative and Financial Director
Jean-Philippe Domergue was trained as a lawyer (at Université Paris XI) and then as a chartered accountant (ITEC Bordeaux). He worked for 25 years in the private sector, where he was Administrative and Financial Director, before becoming Administrative and Financial Manager and Senior Research Engineer at LAGA (CNRS mathematics laboratory at Université Paris XIII) for 11 years. He joined FSMP as Administrative and Financial Director in January 2024. Translated with (free version)

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Gaël Octavia
Head of communication
Gaël Octavia graduated from Télécom Sud-Paris (formerly Télécom INT) in 2001. She started out as an information systems engineer before becoming a scientific journalist. From 2002 to 2008, she worked for the popular mathematics magazine Tangente as editor and general secretary. She joined the Fondation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris in February 2008 as head of communication.

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Célia Chauveau
General secretary
Célia Chauveau graduated in 2005 with a BTS (advanced vocational diploma) as an executive assistant and taught office automation at GRETA Sud tertiaire 93 in 2006-2007. Since January 2006, she had been working as an assistant at the Institut Henri Poincaré, where she was in charge of the management of CNRS missions. In September 2007, she became assistant manager at the Fondation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris. She has been appointed general secretary in 2023.

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Mathieu Simon
European project manager
Mathieu Simon holds a Master Grande École degree from Montpellier Business School. Over the past six years, he has worked in the International Relations Department of the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, where he was responsible for student mobility and European project management. He will join the Fondation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris team in June 2023 as European Project Manager.

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Suzana Vojinovic
Project manager
Graduated in Sociology (University of Serbia), Suzana Vojinovic has been project manager for European projects at Serbia's Ministry of Education and Science. From 2015 to 2021, she has worked at CNRS (IPSL) as assistant engineer on track expenses for national and international projects. She joins the Fondation Sciences Mathematiques de Paris in 2021 as Project Manager.

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Kevin Ledocq
Management assistant
Holder of a BTS "Assistant Manager" and a professional degree in "Business Management and Administration", Kevin Ledocq worked at Inria for 2 years before joining the Foundation's team in May 2014 as a Management Assistant.

Office at IHP - Bâtiment Perrin: 108
Sabrina Chied
Management assistant
Sabrina Chied holds a BTS (HND) in Management Support and has completed a training course in Digital Mediation at the CNAM. She joined the FSMP team in October 2023 as an assistant.
Thomas Duyckaerts
PGSM Program Manager
Thomas Duyckaerts is Professor of Mathematics at Sorbonne Paris Nord University. D. from Université Paris Sud Orsay in 2004, he was a lecturer at Université de Cergy-Pontoise, where he defended his HDR in 2010. He joined the LAGA at Université Sorbonne Paris Nord in 2011. His main area of research concerns the qualitative study of nonlinear waves, and in particular solutions of the wave equation and the nonlinear Schrödinger equation.
Valeria Banica
Co-manager of the PGSM program
Valeria Banica is a professor at Sorbonne University's Jacques-Louis Lions Laboratory. She obtained her PhD from Orsay University in 2003, and was subsequently a lecturer at Evry University. Her field of research is the analysis of partial differential equations.
Stéphane Labbé
Maths-industry project manager
Stéphane Labbé is a professor at Sorbonne University and Managing Director of SUMMIT.