Invited Professors
The Fondation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris finances, for external scientists, stays of two or three undivided months in one of the laboratories affiliated with the foundation, primarily to promote new collaborations and/or interactions.
These stays may include visits or collaborations in laboratories outside the foundation.
Applications less than two months old or more than three months old will not be considered for this program.
Applications are reviewed on a regular basis.
Practical details
- Accommodation costs : up to 75,60 €/day upon presentation of a receipt (invoice or lease) issued by an agency, institution or hotel. We draw your attention to this point. In case of doubt, you are invited to consult the FSMP team (
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ). - Meal expenses : * 42,20 € per day of presence
- Transportation costs are covered on the basis of a round trip by train (2nd class) or plane (economic class).
You wish to benefit from a Invited Professor scientifiic stay? Your application must be submitted on the Online form by a member of a laboratory affiliated with the Foundation.
It will include :
- a curriculum vitae and a list of publications,
- a letter from the guest of about two pages detailing the scientific program of the stay, possible interactions with researchers from the FSMP network, and how this is a new collaboration,
- the visa of the director of the host laboratory.
Official invitation letters are the responsibility of the inviting laboratories.
Selection will be made by the Steering Committee of the Foundation.
Redress procedure
All candidates have a right to a redress procedure if they feel that there has been a shortcoming in the way their proposal was evaluated, or if they believe that the results of the eligibility checks are incorrect. Applications that do not meet the eligibility criteria will be rejected. The redress requests must be addressed to:
Open, Transparent, and Merit-based Recruitment policy (OTM-R policy)
The FSMP has endorsed the European Union recommendations and principles for Human Resources practices, aiming at better working conditions for researchers, and better openness and transparency in the process of their recruitment.
Click here to find FSMP's OTM-R policy.
Program Correspondent
Administrative contact
Kevin Ledocq
Upcoming CP exam dates
- february
- april
- june
- october
- december
Please note that applications must be submitted by the 1st day of each month previously indicated.