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Fondation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris

The Fondation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris (FSMP) is a network of excellence that federates the main laboratories of mathematics and fundamental computer science in central and northern Paris.

It is the largest concentration of mathematicians in the world. Its scientific spectrum encompasses all mathematics, from pure mathematics to the most applied, including fundamental computer science.


  • Proposes and funds programs for research and training in mathematics and fundamental computer science
  • Organizes scientific events
  • Works to disseminate mathematics to the media, the general public, the economic and industrial world.
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Scientific stays for PhD students

The Fondation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris finances, for doctoral students who are members of a laboratory affiliated with the foundation, scientific research stays in external laboratories (French or foreign) for periods from 1 to 3 months.


Procedures to benefit from this program

The application will come from the doctoral student.

The Foundation will take over the cost of transportation and accommodation, with receipts, depending on the destination.The doctoral student should also seek other sources of funding (e.g. laboratory, doctoral school, etc.).

The Foundation does not support expenses related to the stay of doctoral students in their co-supervision or co-tutoring laboratory.

Regarding the costs of PhD students' stays as part of the compulsory mobility of COFUND program MathInParis2020: the request must be made to their laboratory/doctoral school. In exceptional circumstances, PhD students may apply to the FSMP for assistance after having provided proof that their laboratory/doctoral school is not financing their stay.


The application file will include :


  • a curriculum vitae of the doctoral student, including a list of publications,
  • the scientific research program of the stay,
  • a letter from the scientific director of the external host laboratory,
  • a reasoned opinion from the thesis director,
  • the visa of the doctoral student's laboratory director,
  • a document justifying at least one other application for funding and the response obtained (for example, a copy of an e-mail),
  • a financial plan (estimate of the cost of the stay to be borne by the FSMP). 


The filing of the application is done online


  • To apply for funding, click here
  • The selection will be made by the steering commitee of the foundation.
  • The response time is less than two months.


Apply for funding

To apply for funding for doctoral students : Click here

sejours doctorants

Scientific stays of the Fondation Pierre Ledoux

Several scientific stays per year are offered by the Fondation Pierre Ledoux under the same conditions as those offered by the FSMP, with a preference for stays in emerging countries : South America, China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Africa,... and Russia.

Upcoming CP exam dates

  • february
  • april
  • june
  • october
  • december

Attention, the requests must be transmitted at the latest on the 1st of each month previously indicated.

Program Manager

Frédéric Le Roux

sejours doctorants contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Call for applications and fundings

04 November 2024
Calls for tenders and financing
Paris Graduate School for Mathematical Sciences (PGSM), the master scholarships program of the Fondation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris, is opening it international call for applications from Monday November 4th 2024 to Thursday February 6th 2025 (d...
01 October 2024
Calls for tenders and financing

The call for applications to FSMP post-doctoral program is open from Tuesday October 1st to Friday November 29th.

01 October 2024
Calls for tenders and financing

The call for applications to FSMP research chairs of excellence is open from Tuesday October 1st to Friday November 29th.


05 March 2025
Cours FSMP
Rupert Frank (Ludwig Maximilians Universität München), laureate of the FSMP Chair ofexcellence in 2024, will give in the frame of his chair a course entitled Lieb–Thirring inequalities.The lectures will take place on Wednesdays of March-April 2025 fr...
16 November 2024
Mathématiques en mouvement
La prochaine édition de Mathématiques en mouvement aura lieu le samedi 16 novembre 2024 de 14h à 19h à l'IHP (11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris 5e). Organisée sous la houlette de Pierre-Antoine Guihéneuf (IMJ-PRG, SU) et Jérôme Buzzi (LMO, Univ. Pa...
04 November 2024
Calls for tenders and financing
Paris Graduate School for Mathematical Sciences (PGSM), the master scholarships program of the Fondation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris, is opening it international call for applications from Monday November 4th 2024 to Thursday February 6th 2025 (d...
