FSMP Programs and tenders
The foundation mainly implements and finances
- Chairs of excellence, which enable leading mathematicians to work in affiliated laboratories. All areas of fundamental and applied mathematics, as well as fundamental computer science, are eligible.
- Post-doctoral positions in mathematics and fundamental computer science.
- Research stays abroad and in France for doctoral students.
- The MathPhDInFrance doctoral program, co-financed by Europe (Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions) as part of Horizon 2020, which offers grants for co-directed theses between a laboratory in Île-de-France and a laboratory in another region (outside Île-de-France).
- PGSM (master): a master's scholarship program in Paris at one of the universities in the FSMP network.
- Hosting high-level scientists from outside the FSMP's network of laboratories, both French and foreign, for two- or three-month stays in affiliated laboratories.
- Actions promoting the development of soft skills (non-scientific and transferable skills) for students and post-doctoral fellows graduating from its programs.
It also organizes, co-organizes or supports :
- Other programs and projectsa>, including the FSMP-IHP program, cooperation with the Fields Institute, the Childcare program, the Challenge data, the Popov Prize, the Kevin Henriot Prize, the Ibni Prize and the French-Brazilian Mathematics Network.